ADC ADSCOPE Sprague Scope, Purple
Now you can ADC ADSCOPE Sprague Scope, Purple with detailed description:Product Description
One of the most popular scope styles on the market, the sprague has 5 interchangeable chestpiece fittings for use on virtually any patient. Two tube design. Accessory kit with choice of eartips, spare diaphragms and chestpiece fittings. Purple tubing
Product Details
- Sales Rank: #269943 in Health and Beauty
- Color: Purple
- Brand: American Diagnostic
- Model: 641V
- Released on: 2015-06-22
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 3.88" h x 1.25" w x 30.00" l, .80 pounds
- 5 chestpiece fittings for use on virtually any patient
- Patented valve mechanism eliminates acoustic leakage
- Gasketed fittings for improved security
- Chestpiece key facilitates diaphragm replacement
- Latex free
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